Sunday, 1 February 2009

advent: lake tekapo

My dear friends,

I'm sitting in the living room of the house I'm staying at in Lake Tekapo, looking out of the windows that occupy the entire front side of the house. What's my view, you might ask? Well, there are some fields off to the sides, with Mt. John to my left and some huge fuck-off mountains to my right, but right in front of me is a ridiculously turquoise lake with some snow-capped mountains in the background. Yeah. I'll take it. Last night, after the sun had finally set (between 9 and 10pm), I went outside to get a sight of the gorgeous night sky that people keep telling me about. And oh my god, the sky did not disappoint. I have NEVER seen so many stars- and they're so bright! I was looking at some stars that I had never ever seen before, like the Southern Cross, which is a constellation you can't see from the States. Absolutely breathtaking. Tomorrow I'm going to rent a kayak for the day- I think my new Scottish friend/housemate, Rachel, is going with me! We're going to get a picnic lunch and kayak out to the island in the middle of the lake (about 3 hours each way) and I am so excited! Walking around on the island, swimming in the lake and hanging out on the beach... I'm psyched. And then on Wednesday I start working full time at the "Alpine Springs and Spa". The house I'll be living in for the next few months is good. No frills, but I don't need 'em. It's a four bedroom with a kitchen, bathroom, internet, living room, and I have a room to myself. It definitely helps to have another girl here too.

How did I end up here? I had a great last few days in Auckland- my friend Jayne took me to this beach called Piha and it was AMAZING. It was also my first venture into the Tasman Sea, so there's another notch in my belt there. I also spent a bit more time in the city, doing some of the things I'd missed on my first days there. Then, last Tuesday, I flew out of Auckland to Christchurch, which is on the east coast of of New Zealand, about a third of the way down the South Island. I was in Christchurch for one day and two nights and, while I was there, I saw friends of mine who performed at King Richard's Faire with me! They were MC-ing the annual Busker's Festival and it was so cool to see them there. Shock all around, I would say. For all its vastness, the world is a scarily small place. In Christchurch I also climbed up the Christchurch Cathedral, visited an arts and crafts market, went through the Christchurch Museum and the Botanic Gardens, and walked along the River... Avon? Weird. The next day I hopped on a bus operated by the Naked Bus company (no, that's not a typo) and enjoyed a few hours' drive through the farmland, then up up up into the mountains. Seriously, I am in Middle Earth. Unbelievable. I keep looking out for hobbits and elves. The bus ride was just awesome, apart from being left behind in a tiny little hamlet. I panicked for about 15 minutes until someone alerted the bus driver and they came back for me. Whew.

I'm still drawn back to this view! I think even if I lived here for five years I would still be taken aback by the incredible majesty of this place. Lake Tekapo has to be one of the most beautiful places I have EVER been. If I was looking for a beautiful backdrop for my soul searching mission, I am now in the perfect place.
Mission: Self Discovery has commenced.


"Make the most of yourself. For that is all there is of you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. I am unfamiliar with what 'fuck off' mountains are. Do describe.

    1. Ah. A logical question. "Fuck off mountains" describes mountains of such magnitude and largeness that, were you to question their size and how it was achieved, they would simply tell you to fuck off. I believe it comes from the Greek. (Nice username btw)
