Dear Friends,
If today is really the 30th of October, then I am really leaving in two months. Like, to the day. Freaky. Exactly what I'm doing hasn't sunk in quite yet. I mean, my mind has grasped the fact that I am actually leaving, but it still hasn't occurred to my sleep-deprived brain what I'm leaving for. I'll get there. At this point I'm just trying to not panic about all the things I still have to do and get and take care of. A very daunting thing, moving away for an undisclosed amount of time. I'm not the first to do it, and I certainly won't be the last, I know, but I still have found myself getting sucked into my dread. It was actually my mum who mentioned that I needed to make the most of the time I have left, rather than allow myself to sink into this petrified stupor. Very sound advice. And I'm working on it, truly I am, but there are still those moments when I wish I could curl up in my closet to hide from the world like I did when I was a little girl.
This is silly. I refuse to overthink this (more than I already have, that is.) My exile to a beautiful and far off country is self-imposed and, quite frankly, necessary. I can't wait to step off the plane and get a taste of what awaits me half a world away! I've managed to obtain most of the key things I need this past weekend on a foray into the outlets of North Conway: a fabulously waterproof Marmot jacket (thank you Dee-Dee) and a windproof fleece vest (thank you Mum), in addition to some clothing that will be up to the challenge of fashionable world travel. There's no much left to do at this point- physically speaking, that is. Mentally we still have a ways to go. But my impending adventure is definitely the blindingly bright spot on my horizon- so bright it's kind of hard to see anything else. I guess it's a good thing I have such excellent sunglasses.
If today is really the 30th of October, then I am really leaving in two months. Like, to the day. Freaky. Exactly what I'm doing hasn't sunk in quite yet. I mean, my mind has grasped the fact that I am actually leaving, but it still hasn't occurred to my sleep-deprived brain what I'm leaving for. I'll get there. At this point I'm just trying to not panic about all the things I still have to do and get and take care of. A very daunting thing, moving away for an undisclosed amount of time. I'm not the first to do it, and I certainly won't be the last, I know, but I still have found myself getting sucked into my dread. It was actually my mum who mentioned that I needed to make the most of the time I have left, rather than allow myself to sink into this petrified stupor. Very sound advice. And I'm working on it, truly I am, but there are still those moments when I wish I could curl up in my closet to hide from the world like I did when I was a little girl.
This is silly. I refuse to overthink this (more than I already have, that is.) My exile to a beautiful and far off country is self-imposed and, quite frankly, necessary. I can't wait to step off the plane and get a taste of what awaits me half a world away! I've managed to obtain most of the key things I need this past weekend on a foray into the outlets of North Conway: a fabulously waterproof Marmot jacket (thank you Dee-Dee) and a windproof fleece vest (thank you Mum), in addition to some clothing that will be up to the challenge of fashionable world travel. There's no much left to do at this point- physically speaking, that is. Mentally we still have a ways to go. But my impending adventure is definitely the blindingly bright spot on my horizon- so bright it's kind of hard to see anything else. I guess it's a good thing I have such excellent sunglasses.